Before we continue this discussion, hat tip to Dan Savage and his ITMFA (Impeach the MFer Already) campaign which is clearly a part of this story. ITMFA is on buttons, shirts, bumperstickers, and the lips of freshmen congresswomen. It's a thing. It's got a Facebook page, ffs.
Nancy Pelosi's response to Rashad Talib's ITMFA comment will surprise no one. She's not interested in censoring language, and she's going to be cautious on impeachment, because rushing will only solidify Trump's base.
NANCY PELOSI: I probably have a generational reaction to it. I’m not in the censorship business. I don’t like that language, I wouldn’t use that language, but I wouldn’t establish language standards for my colleagues.
[Impeachment] is not the position of the House Democratic caucus. That’s freedom of speech of an individual member. As I say, generationally that would not be language I would use. But nonetheless, I don’t think we should make a big deal of it.
I'll be watching the Joy Ann Reid interview with Pelosi at 10 Eastern on MSNBC, if only because the set alone seems designed to drive Donald Trump nuts.