US troops that were killed in Syria today by an ISIS suicide bomber. The so-called Vice President never mentioned the tragedy when he gave a speech to the Global Chiefs of Mission Conference shortly afterward.
January 16, 2019

Mike Pence ignored the horrible news that American troops had just been killed by a suicide bomber in northern Syria (attributed to ISIS). Instead, he declared ISIS has been defeated.

The vice president gave a speech this morning to the Global Chiefs of Mission Conference “One Team, One Mission, One Future” and he was well aware of the deaths of our soldiers.

The White House barely mentioned the terrible news today. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump had been briefed about the tragedy.

Nothing was going to impede his praise of Trump as he said, "Thanks to the leadership of this Commander-in-Chief, and the courage and sacrifice of our armed, forces we’re now actually able to begin to hand off the fight against ISIS in Syria to our coalition partners and we are bringing our troops home."

He continued, "The caliphate has crumbled and ISIS has been defeated."

A smidgeon of applause followed that line.

He said the U.S. will stay in the region so ISIS won't rear their ugly heads, but ISIS had already stood up and killed 15 people.

American troops were among 15 people killed on Wednesday in a suicide bombing in northern Syria that was claimed by the Islamic State, just weeks after President Trump ordered the withdrawal of United States forces with what he declared the extremist group’s defeat.

The attack targeted a restaurant in the northern city of Manbij where American soldiers would sometimes stop to eat during their patrols of the area, residents said. After the blast, a number of Americans were evacuated by helicopter, they said. It was not immediately clear how many had been in the area at the time of the blast.

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