Oh y’all, somebody check Lindsey Graham’s ears. I think Trump is sucking his brain out. Or, at least let’s pinpoint the exact time Lindsey became Trump’s girlfriend so we’ll know what he’s being extorted about.
Democrats have offered Trump some good deals on the wall, better deals than I would ever have offered. Trump won’t budge except for one thing – he doesn’t call it a wall anymore. He calls it a fence, and will continue to call it a fence until he gets his money. Then it becomes a wall again.
So now, thanks to Lindsey, the wall lovers have a new demand. You know, all demands do is make it look more and more like we are being held hostage by bank robbers. Lindsey Graham says that talks to end the government shutdown will ceased until …
“We’ll have offers on the table when we find somebody that’s not crazy to deal with. We’re not going to put any offers on the table as long as people in charge of these negotiations accuse all of us who want a wall of being a racist.”
But Lindsey, you are.
You cannot stand beside Trump’s wall and say you’re not a racist. You just can’t. That’s ridiculous.
Honey, if you don’t want people to say you are a racist, stop being a racist.
Problem solved.