January 23, 2019

“Congressman, do you think it’s appropriate to fly first class while 57 TSA agents aren’t being paid?”

Good question.

In an e-mail explanation later, his office explained his office had bought coach but gotten upgraded because of frequent flyer status. Still, Rodney Davis (IL-13) might want to consider the optics next time, especially during a government shutdown.

Source: Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― With President Donald Trump and the GOP prolonging the partial government shutdown, a Republican lawmaker had an uncomfortable run-in Tuesday when a fellow airplane passenger found him flying first class from Chicago to Washington, D.C., according to a video of the encounter shared with HuffPost.

“Congressman, do you think it’s appropriate to fly first class while 57 TSA agents aren’t being paid?” the person says to Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), in an apparent reference to the Transportation Security Administration’s 57,000 employees, who are being required to work without pay.

A tipster who asked to remain anonymous shared the video with HuffPost, which hasn’t been able to identify the person who approached Davis.

Davis remained silent, prompting the person to say, “Taking that as a yes.”

“Taxpayers paid for this flight? Fair enough,” he added.

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