January 12, 2019

As criminals go, Donald Trump has got to be the greatest. The greatest dummy, that is. There is literally no one better than indicting himself than he. He's not even smart enough to declare his innocence in the arena where people might be inclined to believe the congenital liar.

After rage-tweeting the better part of Saturday, hurling insults and ad hominems to anyone and everyone, Trump headed for the friendly territory of Fox News to allow them to plead his case. Since optics demand that he stay all alone in the White House during the shutdown, he called into "Judge" Jeannine Pirro's and allowed her fauxrage to assure the Fox audience (the only Americans he cares about) that there's a perfectly understandable reason why the FBI would launch an unprecedented counterintelligence investigation

But the world's dumbest spy can't even get out of the way of himself in the most telling of ways.

Asked point blank by the Fox News host if he was a Russian asset, he only had this to say:

"I think it's the most insulting thing I've ever been asked. I think it's the most insulting article I've ever had written."

Then he launched into some more tirades about Comey.

He can't even do the simplest things right.

Mind you, he'd be lying again if he did say something like, "Of course not. My loyalty is to the Constitution and my oath of office." But in a sea of lies that regularly flow from him, how hard would that have been?

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