December 13, 2018

[Above, College Humor's 2015 "You're a mean one, Mr. Trump." Good times before he used criminal fraud to gain the White House.]

So much for bringing back "Merry Christmas." The story is a Fox News/Howie Kurtz "exclusive" so it must be true.

President Trump has canceled the White House holiday party for the media, making the decades-old tradition a victim of his increasingly contentious relationship with major news organizations.

The White House made no announcement that it was dropping the press party. [Except they let you know, Howie. How's it feel to work for him for no extra salary?] The president and first lady threw such a gathering last December but did not pose for pictures. Trump made a brief appearance with his wife and offered a few welcoming remarks.

The decision is hardly shocking, given Trump’s constant attacks on "fake news" and the overwhelmingly negative coverage of him and his administration.

In related news, Trump will be spending over two weeks at Mar A Lago at taxpayer expense. Wonder if his hotel gets paid if there's a government shutdown?

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