December 12, 2018

As I wrote earlier today, Donald Trump is pulling out all the stops to get border wall funding because if he doesn't then his base knows it was a con from the beginning.

The ladies of "The View" already knew and are laughing at Donald's desperation.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: His base likes the wall because he promised Mexico was going to pay for it, right? So now that Mexico said they’re not going to pay for it, he can actually open up that very fat wallet he talks about all the time and start the ball rolling. Or because he’s a construction guy, he can just get it built. Come on, how hard can it be for you to build the wall and then pass the hat, you know, maybe put a go fund the wall page up?

Then Whoopi addressed Trump directly: “You said the American people did not have to pay for it. So why are you now saying you’re willing to shut everything down to get it, because you know that means it’s going to come out of our pockets.”

Sunny Hostin made an obvious connection: “Maybe that’s perhaps why everybody got behind it, because they didn’t think they were going to have to pay for it."

Polls show that support for 'the wall' drops when it turns out US taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Joy Behar noted that this may be the last straw for Donald with his base. “The base hasn’t really gotten anything else. The taxes didn’t really go down. Their air is getting polluted. We don’t have any friendships around the world anymore. So what did the base get except maybe the wall.”

Sunny Hostin stated the obvious: “They got the hats."

Watch the video below.

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