Trump may not have been feeling the love from Fox's Judge Napolitano this morning, but Outnumbered host Harris Faulkner did her best to make up for it during this pathetic softball interview with Trump during the Overtime segment of her show this Thursday.
Trump attempted to paint his long time "fixer" Michael Cohen as just some "low level" employee... Michael... Michael who? You know Donald, the one on the tape with you discussing hush money to Karen McDougal. Faulkner brought up the recordings at the beginning of the segment, but didn't do a bit of follow up when Trump lied and said he hadn't directed Cohen to do anything.
FAULKNER: So Mr. President let's get into if we can -- Michael Cohen. He was your attorney. Three years he was sentenced yesterday and it may seem like he got a break because it could have been twice as much but it's still three years in federal prison, $500,000 in restitution. This was someone who surreptitiously recorded you.
TRUMP: Terrible.
FAULKNER: Is now known as a criminal liar, yet this is someone who was in your inner circle.
TRUMP: Yes, well it happens. I mean look, it happens. I hire usually good people but it just happens.
FAULKNER: Why did you hire Michael Cohen? He was known as a fixer --
TRUMP: Years ago, I'll tell you what first of all --
FAULKNER: That was his title.
TRUMP: He did very low level work.
FAULKNER: Why did you need him?
TRUMP: He did more public relations than he did law. But he did -- so if you'd see him on television, he was okay on television, but years ago, many years, like 12, 13 years ago, he did me a favor. He was on a committee and he was so responsive and so good. And I said, he's a nice guy. I should --
FAULKNER: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That was the favor?
TRUMP: Years ago.
FAULKNER: Because, people have been asking, well, what is the favor that he did the president? He was on a committee with you.
TRUMP: Oh no. He was on a committee, it was a condominium committee many years ago and he was a very big supporter of mine on that committee. I did a great job, Trump World Towers, a very tall building right opposite the United Nations, and when you build a building people always get together at the end and they make a settlement with the owner.
They say the ceiling wasn't painted the right color or something. Sometimes serious stuff, but in my case it was a great building. And he was on the committee, I think he was a great guy. I thought he was really a nice guy. He was very supportive. And I liked him and he was a lawyer, and because of that, I did it. And you know what, in retrospect, I made a mistake.
Because what he did was all unrelated to me except for the two campaign finance charges that are not criminal and shouldn't have been on there. They put that on to embarrass me. They put those two charges on to embarrass me. They're not criminal charges, number one. Now, that's according -- Harris, that's according to the top people.
FAULKNER: And I've interviewed people who've told me this, that they're not criminal. So, you watch the program you know.
TRUMP: So what happened is either Cohen or the prosecutors, in order to embarrass me, said listen, I'm making this deal for reduced time and everything else, do me a favor, put these two charges on. They're not criminal charges.
TRUMP: And they weren't for President Obama either.
FAULKNER: I want to move on. I have one last question. Michael Cohen says that he lied in order to protect you. What's your response to that?
TRUMP: Let me tell you, I never directed him to do anything wrong. Whatever he did, he did on his own. He's a lawyer. A lawyer who represents a client is supposed to do the right thing, that's why you pay them a lot of money, et cetera, et cetera. He is a lawyer, he represents a client. I never directed him to do any incorrect or wrong.
And he understands that. Look, he did some bad things, unrelated to me, maybe related to his other clients. I wasn't his only client, he had other clients. He did some bad things and -- income taxes evasion, I heard about taxi cab -- I heard about a lot of things. Now, I'm not reading about any of that stuff, because what he did is he made a deal to embarrass me. In order to embarrass me they cut his term down.
Pretty terrible stuff. Let me tell you the other thing, his father-in-law is a very rich guy, I hear. His father-in-law, I thought, was the guy that was the primary focus. Well, what did he do? Did he make a deal to keep his father-in-law out? Did he make a deal to keep his wife, who supposedly, maybe I'm wrong, but you can check it, did he make keep -- make a deal to keep his wife out of trouble?
Now, how many people, when they say, "Listen, if you embarrass the President of the United States we'll give you a deal, your father-in-law, your wife, we'll cut you a deal." That's all it is. It's a terrible system we have. It's going on right now with General Flynn. The FBI said he didn't lie.
FAULKNER: I saw you tweet on that about --
TRUMP: But Mueller said he did lie, so they took a man who's a General and a respected person and a nice man -- and I don't even know what he said about me, because maybe they scared him enough that he'll make up a story, but I have a feeling that maybe he's a tougher kind of guy than Cohen, but they took a General that they said didn't lie and they convinced him he did lie and he made some kind of a deal.
And now they're recommending no time. You know why? Because they're embarrassed that they got caught.
Give him another week or two and he'll be pretending he never even heard of Cohen.