Thoughts And Prayers For Newly Unemployed Dan Bongino
December 11, 2018

Bingo Bongo Bongino had his show cut from NRA TV and I know I speak for all of Crooks and Liars when I say that we are sending thoughts and prayers to him and his family during this terrible time.


We are too busy laughing.

Here is the story: The NRA is losing money so fast, it may not be able to exist for much longer. Just last month, they reported a loss of $55 million dollars from the previous year. The Daily Beast reported that even more alarming than the drop in income was the drop in membership dues. In 2016, they took in $163 MILLION in dues. In 2017 that number dropped to a modest $128 million.

So where does that leave Bingo Bongo? Well, apparently his show wasn't profitable enough to keep on the air. The Daily Beast is reporting that NRA TV cut the always sweaty, pro-Trump lunatic, Dan Bongino from their lineup. His show, We Stand, lasted only a year on the channel.

The NRA had no statement and Bingo Bongo called reports of the show's cancellation "fake news." But, shortly after his denial, he confirmed that his show is "ending," insinuating that it was his choice. [Insert Sure Jan gif dot com here].

Eagle eyes noticed that he had removed "NRA TV Host" from his Twitter account (who monitors these random things?) and FOX has started referring to him as a “Former NRATV Contributor” for the last few weeks. He insists that he turned down a "generous offer" and anyone who says otherwise is fake news so there.

Thoughts and prayers...not to Dan Bongino, though. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Sandy Hook community. The massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which claimed the lives of 20 children and 6 adults, happened 6 years ago this week. The weapon used in this massacre was an AR-15 assault rifle and 2 handguns. The AR-15 is a weapon that is used most often in mass shootings and, if removed from the hands of the public, could reduce the number of innocent people gunned down in senseless mass shootings. But the NRA believes these weapons belong in the hands of average citizens, regardless of their reasons for wanting to own them.

So this week we have no pity for the NRA or Dan Bongino. Blood is on his hands, just as it is on the hands of everyone who associates with, donates to or is a member of the NRA.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the NRA.

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