“Why can't [Trump] stand still for like 10 seconds? I've had better luck getting my dog to take a Christmas photo in her Santa hat.”
December 4, 2018

Seth Meyers didn't pull any punches against Trump on Monday's Late Night.

Trump on the international stage always looks like “he just got kicked in the nuts. The way he stands looks like a freeze frame from America's Funniest Home Videos. He looks like a dad who was standing on the wrong end of a seesaw.”

Meyers also noted that Trump pretended the feud he has with Justin Trudeau has led to a "great friendship." Trudeau's body language told another tale: "Look at his face. Absolutely nothing. That face is the closest thing Canada has to a middle finger.”

Then there's the sundowning Trump, who walked away during a photo op with Argentina's president.
“Watch as Trump walks away from the shoot early and is caught muttering off camera on a hot mic while the president of Argentina stands there awkwardly by himself, 'Get me out of here.'”

The audience cheered as Meyers replied: "We're trying."

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