Senator Mazie Hirono was angry about Trump's reversal on the Senate bill to keep government open, choosing not to mince any words during her appearance with Chris Hayes.
December 20, 2018

Senators from both parties are really, really unhappy about Donald Trump's decision to stab them in the back by telling them he'd go along with their short-term extension of funding to keep the government open only for him to bow and scrape to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and cave. What a coward he is. A few squawks from the professional right and he folds like a cheap house of cards.

Senator Susan Collins, for example, reacted to the news with one question when she heard about Trump's betrayal: "Ugh, are you ruining my life?"

Other Republicans said there wouldn't be 60 votes for the House bill, and worried about the damage a shutdown might do.

But on the Democratic side, there's just a lot of anger. A LOT. Senator Mazie Hirono voiced it quite well during an appearance on All In With Chris Hayes where she went off about who will bring about a government shutdown and who will own it.

"The Senate did the responsible thing last night by keeping government running, passing this bill by a voice vote, and only to have 'President' Trump get all worked up because he's got some right-wing loud people yelling at him on Fox News and suddenly he says, 'Well, I don't think I'm going to sign it.," Hirono told Chris Hayes.

"So it is very true that he will bring on the shutdown," she warned, "And he has to take responsibility for it."

Her final warning: "Any effort on [Trump's] part to blame the Democrats will be such bullshit that as I said before I would hardly be able to stand it."

And you know, neither would we. This is why we would be completely happy ripping him by the hour, by the minute, by the second about his cowardice before the Great and Mighty Rush Limbaugh.

You bet it's bullshit, Senator Hirono. Keep saying so, even on the air.

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