December 26, 2018

The hosts of Trump's favorite morning show on Fox weren't the only ones coming to his rescue this Wednesday morning after Trump did his best to try to ruin Christmas for a 7-year-old during a call on Christmas Eve.

Former Fox host turned regular commentator on the network, Mike Huckabee, apparently thought this was what passes for humor when asked to weigh in on the call by guest host Griff Jenkins:

“What is wrong with people? It wasn’t like he was boiling the little girl’s bunny rabbit in a pot on the stove or something, I mean, he asked a simple question. You never can find a way that President Trump will make some of the people in the press happy. It doesn’t matter what he does. If he didn’t make the call, if he didn’t talk to the little girl, they would say he was curled up in a fetal position in the White House and was unwilling to come out and talk to anybody. I mean, the man can’t catch a break.”

During a phone call with a young girl from South Carolina on Christmas Eve — who called into the North American Aerospace Defense Command to determine Santa’s location and was surprised with a conversation with Trump — the President suggested it was “marginal” for her to still believe in old Saint Nick, which sparked a public flaying. The girl’s parents later put out a statement saying they weren’t bothered by Trump’s teasing and said they often talk to their kids like they’re adults.

Huckabee went on to blame the media for the debacle and suggested Americans have “disgust” and “disdain” for the press today.

Poor Donald. Always the victim.

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