Republican Scott Perry doesn't think furloughed workers will be affected by the Trump shutdown. "Who’s living that they’re not going to make it to the next paycheck?" He makes $174K a year.
GOP Congressman: Furloughed Workers Don't Need Their Next Paycheck
December 21, 2018

We have to be careful here: Scott Perry wins the stupid comment award, GOP House Edition, for this morning.

Because you know there's a line of Republican congressmen who will be saying stupid things in perpetuity, especially this weekend.

This one said this:

That's right up there with the Republican who during the 2013 shutdown wanted to make sure she got paid because "I need my paycheck."

Ellmers was redistricted out of office in 2018 and has taken another government job with HHS in Atlanta, where she will not be paid during the Trump shutdown.

These Republicans have no idea how average people live.

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