December 28, 2018

On Fox News' Outnumbered, the panel members were discussing the volatile stock market leading up to 2019, when Kat Timpf remarked, "[Trump] is very willing to take the credit but he’s not addressing the blame."

The couch crew were discussing the recent drastic slide in the markets and were trying to calm the fears of Fox News viewers.

Ex- pro wrestler Tyrus and current Fox Nation contributor was joking about his stock portfolio and how Fox News personalities were teaching him about it.

Host Campos-Duffy said that Trump had been bragging about the economy on his watch but since markets have dropped she wondered whether he should take the blame if things get worse. Of course he should.

Kat Timpf, formerly of the Fox News' Specialists weighed in.

Timpf said, "It’s interesting that he’s very willing to take the credit but he’s not addressing the blame. I think we all need to agree that that is kind of funny, I suppose.” Ha. Ha.

Timpf was obviously talking about the stock market and she's correct. And much of the blame can be attributed to Trump's ignorant trade and tariff wars against China and our allies.

By the way, during the entire 2016 presidential campaign, Trump continually attacked the low unemployment rate under Barack Obama as phony and a made-up number, claiming the unemployment rate was over 40%.

Trump also attacked the solid climb in the markets as a complete sham, but as soon as he took office he immediately claimed that those same numbers were historic under his watch and then bragged about the incredible gains in the stock market using the same data that he once trashed.

Everything Trump touches goes bad, but he'll never own it.

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