Brian Kilmeade looked agitated as the other two hosts of "Fox and Friends" made believe the Flynn memo was a positive sign for Trump.
December 5, 2018

Fox and Friends' Steve Doocy and Ainsley Earhardt did their best to calm Trump's nerves after Robert Mueller released the heavily redacted Flynn memo, but co-host Brian Kilmeade wasn't buying their sunny dispositions.

Brian Kilmeade read off Mueller's statement's that said since Trump's former NSA chief cooperated so much, he shouldn't receive any jail time.

Doocy jumped in, "He completely cooperated. He did 19 different interviews, and while there was as you say Brian so much of it redacted, we don't know exactly what he did say. But keep in mind, this whole -- the whole hullabaloo with Mr. Mueller has been looking to see if there was coordination with Russia, or if the Trump campaign sought help and indeed, and we heard this when he was convicted, when he pled guilty, that he had contacted the Russian ambassador during the transition, all about that United Nations resolution regarding Israel. But ultimately, it doesn't mention any of that in the sentencing memo. So if Flynn was colluding with the Russians, he wouldn't be getting zero jail time...."

This is pure speculation to appease Trump, since every mention what he actually cooperated about was redacted.

Ainsley Earhardt made a point to defend Gen. Flynn's honor, by not taking into account that he lied to the FBI and likely Mike Pence, as well as illegally receiving payments as an unregistered foreign agent of Turkey while serving in the Trump administration.

Kilmeade said Flynn would have made a fantastic national security advisor, but he mentioned the $530K Flynn received from Turkey.

After Ainsley once again put a big pink bow around Flynn's head, Kilmeade said, "But we don't know what that cooperation was."

DOOCY: Exactly, because there was so much redacted. The whole thing has been about Russian collusion. We heard oh, look at all these pictures of Mr. Flynn at all these events, and look he's sitting next to Putin, and obviously he's the guy, and yet, ultimately, after they've looked at everything, zero jail time. That should tell you a lot about the collusion.

Kilmeade had a smirk on his face as he played statements made by Giuliani and Rep. Mark Meadows making believe they could read thick black lines of redactions and say there was no collusion with Russia.

A sullen Brian Kilmeade came back and said, "We don't know though."

Doocy replied, "We don't -- sounds like more is going to come out on Friday, stay tuned."

That was about as sunny and optimistic a report on the Flynn memo that you will see. Only Kilmeade seems to realize a reckoning is coming.

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