November 7, 2018

Let me start this by saying that I think this whole scuffle was staged and intentional. The goal was to show Trump being tough with CNN, for him to repeat the "enemy of the people" lie, AND to give the White House an excuse to suspend Jim Acosta, which they have done.

Here is where Acosta realized they'd locked him out:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in a tweet, claimed that his credential was suspended for "putting his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern."

There's a whole thread. It's all bullshit fascist nonsense. Acosta just called it a lie.

I clipped the short portion of the video where this intern tried to snatch the mic right out of Acosta's hands at the very same time Herr "POTUS" was telling Acosta he's a terrible person, fake news purveyor, yada yada. All a staged conflict to make Trump look masculine and virile, no doubt.

Tweets run along these lines. Many tweets. No one is fooled. Trump is engaging in Goebbels-level gaslighting. Yes. No exaggeration, that's exactly what it is.

This is intended to distract from the Sessions constitutional crisis coming before us and the devastating loss of the House. They are trying all chaos maneuvers now in order to keep us all confused.

We are not confused.

Update: Look at that! Right after Acosta's credential was denied, social media bots sprang into action. This is what the Groundswell folks were working on back in 2013: A way to coordinate and amplify their message across all social media, create their own echo chamber and amplify the Fox effect. Looks like they've nailed it.

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