November 2, 2018

Stephen Colbert owned Chris Wallace in a fashion he's certainly not accustomed to over media coverage of Trump's hardcore, lying immigration pronouncements.

Wallace began by using Trump jargon on the "open borders" and the catch and release program.

Here's part 1. Part 2 is up above.

Wallace admitted fearmongering the caravan was wrong, but then brought up open borders. Colbert shot that down immediately.

“No, we don’t have an open border,” Colbert shot back. “There is a system, and three to five thousand people will not make it here. This has happened many times before, and they never do, and you know that. And you know that there is a system in place, and there is a legal system, and we have laws that allow asylum. So I believe in the law. Do you believe in the law, Chris Wallace?”

They continued to debate the facts but Wallace lost again.

“Under the asylum rules now, if somebody comes in and they say, ‘We have credible fear of persecution,’ what happens?” Wallace asked. “They are put out into the country, we don’t have enough places to put them, so we do have a catch-and-release program, and about 10 percent of the people that are caught and released return for their hearings. And only about 10 percent get legitimate asylum.”

They're not animals, Chris Wallace, they're people. 'Catch and release' references dehumanize them.

Colbert questioned Wallace's numbers, holding a place to fact-check him.

Later in the program in the first video, Colbert received the PolitiFact numbers on asylum-seekers showing up for court.

"Justice Department data: 60 to 70% non-detained immigrants attended immigration court proceedings so you were 50 to 60% wrong," Colbert gently corrected.

Jokingly Wallace ripped up Colbert's numbers which symbolizes the way Fox News conducts their business.

And so it goes from there. Watch the videos above.

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