[Editor's note: to compensate for the Politico fail illustrated below, we're giving free ad time to Ben MacAdams above. After all, he won Utah's Fourth Congressional House Seat.]
Watch how "Tiger Beat on the Potomac" (Thanks, Charlie Pierce!) frames the news for us:

It’s really maddening.
The Democrat, Ben McAdams, won a seat in Utah(!), but Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie) didn’t see that as newsworthy, just that Love lost. They didn’t frame it as proof of a Blue Wave, just that Love lost. They didn’t even include a picture of the winner.
We make a lot of inside jokes in "Mock Paper Scissors" headlines, but it's a blog and not a professional journalistic endeavor. Even non-Journalism School MPS knows that the headline should have been: Dem McAdams Beats Love in Utah.
Headlines 101: Who is the actor, what is the action.
Or, as one lone guttersnipe spitballed last night on the Twatter,
“19 Horses Lose Kentucky Derby” — If #Politico covered *real* horse races.
— Tengrain (@Tengrain) November 21, 2018
crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors