Trump's "Acting Attorney General" served on the board of a company being investigated by the FBI. How is that gonna work, exactly?
Matt Whitaker's Got FBI Problems
Credit: Screenshot
November 10, 2018

Matthew Whitaker's first week as "Acting Attorney General" seems to have hit a few snags.

To begin with, The Orange Dotard's assigning him the job was unconstitutional. Don't believe me? Well, George Conway may be able to convince you with his op-ed in the New York times. (Yes, KellyAnne's husband.)

Don't believe him? Well, maybe you'll believe Judge Andrew Napolitano, the frequent Fox News guest. Steve Doocey nearly (insert crude name joke here) when Judge Napolitano explained the installation of Whitaker had no legal standing.

Well, now the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the company on whose board Whitaker served is being investigated by the FBI, and has been since July 2017. Furthermore, it is being investigated for its operations during the time period Whitaker was on the board. According to the article,

World Patent Marketing, based in Miami Beach, shut down last year after being accused by the Federal Trade Commission of scamming customers out of $26 million. The company charged would-be inventors thousands of dollars to patent and promote their inventions, but provided almost no real services and threatened those who complained, the FTC said.

The FTC investigation was a civil action, and ended with the a judgement against the owners of WPM for $26 million. The FBI investigation, however, indicates they're being investigated for criminal activities. Matt Whitaker was a paid board member of this scam company. (Incidentally, other board members returned their pay, according to the Wall Street Journal, but not our "Acting AG Whitaker!")

Combine all this with the reasons listed in my most recent post — having issued an opinion on the Mueller probe, insisting on Trump Jr.'s innocence, LYING, conflict of interest, having chaired a politial campaign for Sam Clovis (a witness in the Mueller probe) — and Matt Whitaker has had the makings of a very rocky start to his national political career.

It might even explain Agent Orange going full "New number, who dis?" on him...

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