Idaho Elementary School Teachers Costume Themselves As MAGA Wall
Credit: Middleton School District Facebook Page via CNN
November 3, 2018

I'm a real champion of school teachers, because 99.9 percent of them are underpaid, hard-working sincere people who want to do the best for their students.

But this bunch from a school district in Idaho? Hooo boy. No.

The picture above was posted on the Middleton School District Facebook page, featuring elementary school teachers dressed up as -- The Wall, resplendent with one dressed as the Statue of Liberty (really????), and another as a bald eagle.


Embarrassed after the photo went viral, along with the one below, Superintendent of Middleton School District Josh Middleton said, "We are better than this. Here's Middleton, Idaho, not the most diverse community, but that doesn't excuse us."

Credit: Facebook via CNN

No sh*t, Sherlock.

In what can only be doublespeak to the nth degree, the explanation is this:

He tells CBS 2 that the costumes came from a week-long team building activity, which he says was meant to focus on acts of respect and kindness.

"There were 6 countries, 2 of those countries decided to get with the theme and chose to dress in those outfits," Middleton says.

That's some real respect and kindess there. Here's my version of it: Fire every last one of them. It's the only merciful thing to do.

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