October 13, 2018

Donald Trump lied at his rally yesterday that he and Republicans would protect Medicare and pre-existing conditions. He also lied in a fact-challenged op-ed in an USAToday editorial.

As journalist Kurt Eichenwald pointed out to Joy Reid this morning, the Trump administration is defending a Texas filing that states protecting people with pre-existing conditions is unconstitutional!

"When you read this op-ed written by the Donald Trump staffers that opened with 'the Democrats want to outlaw private health plans' and then went on from there, what did you make of it?" Reid said.

"It was infuriating. Because one of the things that has been going on for the past eight years is Republicans both lying about how health insurance works, lying about private insurance, lying about Obamacare, lying about pre-existing conditions. And it's people like me, I have intractable epilepsy," he said.

"I have had a pre-existing condition since I was 18. And I know what it is like living in that world. and it is a terrible policy that they are trying to get us back to. It's great for rich people, great for insurance companies, but for people with pre-existing conditions, we could die."

"And Republicans keep saying that they do support the pre-existing condition rules under Obamacare, the just want to give the private market the opportunity to be unleashed -- the guy running against Claire McCaskill is on a lawsuit to get rid of the pre-existing causes but he says he supports it. How can that be true?" Reid asked.

"It is simple. They are lying. While Trump is saying we support helping people with pre-existing conditions, he is down in Texas, his administration is down in Texas with an obscene filing that simply says protecting people with pre-existing conditions is unconstitutional," Eichenwald said.

"And you can't sit there and say we're committed to it at a rally and be fighting in court to have it knocked down, to have it removed. The disconnect is so huge that it's literally, they will say anything."

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