October 31, 2018

Ostensibly a rally in support of Steve Watkins, a Republican running in Kansas' Second Congressional District. Except for one small detail: the Watkins campaign said they had nothing to do with the "rally". Those gathered said “they were notified by unsolicited text messages."

And even though Kansas' Second district is quite red (Lynn Jenkins old district), it is expected that Democrat Paul Davis could very well win. Bannon's last-minute ridiculous parachuting in to "help" probably won't.

Source: The Pitch

The rally was held in support of Steve Watkins, a Republican running against Democrat Paul Davis in Kansas' Second Congressional District. Watkins has shamelessly lied about his previous business experience and is such a weak candidate that even Kansas Republicans are iffy on him. (This being Kansas, though, he could easily win.)

According to Smith, approximately 17 people showed up at the Holiday Inn. Bannon said some things, such as:

-He's concerned the GOP base won't show up in Kansas.

-Voters need to "get over any handwringing about electing a RINO" (such as Watkins apparently?). Notable, given that around this time last year, Bannon was "declaring war" on the Republican establishment.

The Watkins campaign says they didn't have anything to do with the rally, even though there were Steve Watkins signs in the room and Bannon was talking about Watkins' race in Topeka, which sits in Watkins' Congressional district. In all, a very normal night at the Topeka Holiday Inn.

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