October 26, 2018

After the FBI concluded their press conference about the MAGAbomber, Matt Miller vented about Donald Trump's recent tweets and their timing, given how the White House is routinely briefed on a real-time basis about cases like this.

Earlier Friday morning, Trump grumped about "'bomb' stuff" slowing midterm momentum, suggesting that it was all a conspiracy on the part of Democrats to slow down the Trump train.

But as Ali Velshi and Matt Miller observed, the FBI had their guy last night. And that means Trump knew that before he put his hands on his unsecure personal phone and started spewing tweets feeling sorry for himself.

"They were onto him yesterday," Miller said. "He made clear they called the Florida Department of Law Enforcement last night."

Noting that it would be hard to believe the FBI wouldn't tell the White House about something they'd notified the Florida authorities about, Miller blasted Trump.

"If you have the Department telling the White House about this and you have the president then tweeting this morning. fanning the flames of a conspiracy theory, that is just a reprehensible thing for the president to do," he concluded.

Yeah, well. Reprehensible is all the rage these days. Trying to assassinate all of the Democratic leadership and do harm to a media outlet is pretty reprehensible too, I'd say. We live in reprehensible times and until Captain Reprehensible leaves the White House, that will be so.

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