Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in the middle of a speech when a Methodist minister stood up and interrupted him, shouting a passage from Matthew 25 where Jesus warns those who are religious but do not help those in need.
"I was hungry and you did not feed me," he shouted. "I was a stranger and you did not welcome me."
He then called upon Sessions "to repent, to care for those in need." As he was finishing his call, security came to take him away.
Another person stood to defend the minister who had been removed. Sessions mocked him a bit before responding:
"I don't believe there's anything in my theology that says a secular nationstate cannot have lawful laws to control immigration," Sessions scolded. "It's not immoral, not indecent and not unkind to state what your laws are and then set about to enforce them."
That's really interesting logic! First, we have Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III arguing along with his other extreme Republican compatriots that that very same nation state is a Christian nation, one founded upon and one which follows the teachings of Christ and Christ alone. Yet, here we have the very same Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III handing off his moral responsibility in the name of defending a "secular nation-state."
If we were to apply Sessions' today-reasoning, then he should be vocally defending a woman's right to an abortion because her right to that abortion is the law of this land, of this "secular nation-state".
Someone should really ask him about that, don't you think?
Update: In service of this "Christian nation's" lip service to actual Christian principles of compassion and love for others, Trump is ordering 5200 troops to the Southern border to push back those needy people fleeing terrible conditions in their country, seeking asylum here. That's right. Asylum. Sanctuary.
If only anyone in this evil and pathetic administration understood what being a person of faith actually means. It sure doesn't mean this.