October 29, 2018

This weekend, during a religious service, Jewish people were massacred on US soil. It's important for American Jewish pundits to have these conversations on air.

So David Gregory attempted to serve up some "unite the country" pablum and Bill Kristol wasn't biting.

DAVID GREGORY: ...this time demands of our president that he not just seek to heal but that he take account for the ways he has spoken about nationalism, white nationalism and anti-semitic terms that he has used.

BILL KRISTOL: That's not what the president of the synagogue said there. She personally would not welcome the president. She has respect for others in Pittsburgh. I agree with her. If the president wanted to come to our synagogue this week and make some talk, I would say no, thank you, for now. It doesn't mean I don't think he's our president but he bears responsibility for this climate and we don't need him to help us overcome this.

GREGORY: We don't need him, but there's still an opportunity.

KRISTOL: There's no opportunity.

GREGORY: I have a different view. I think there is an opportunity for him to speak out and to take accountability for some of the things.

KRISTOL: You saw Kellyanne Conway on here and that excellent interview. She's taking no responsibility.

GREGORY: So you want to end the discussion there.

KRISTOL: No, I want the rest of the country -- yeah. I want to get beyond him.

GREGORY: I don't think some of the division in the Jewish community will necessarily be healed by all that.

Dear David Gregory: "Division in the Jewish community" is not the issue here. Once Jewish people are being SHOT AT, you've gotta put a pause button on the navel-gazing and go after anti-Semitism in the United States and the powerful people who coddle that, full force.

Dear Bill Kristol: There's no going "beyond" Donald Trump until YOUR political party holds him accountable. You built the party that brought THIS president to power. Start calling out the Senators, by name, who are complicit with this so-called president. Use the term "anti-Semitic coddling." It's time.

UPDATE: If you think David Gregory is giving Trump too much of a pass, just watch Joe Lieberman blame social media and "everybody" for...


...the massacre of Jews on American soil.

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