Memo to Eric Trump and Jeanine Pirro: When George W. Bush told the country to carry on as usual after the 9/11 attacks, he was not talking about the Commander in Chief. But that’s what Trump and Pirro pretended as they tried to justify Donald Trump holding a campaign rally the night after 11 people were murdered in a terrorist attack on a temple in Pittsburgh earlier that day.
October 29, 2018

Memo to Eric Trump and Jeanine Pirro: When George W. Bush told the country to carry on as usual after the 9/11 attacks, he was not talking about the Commander in Chief. But that’s what Trump and Pirro pretended as they tried to justify Donald Trump holding a campaign rally the night after 11 people were murdered in a terrorist attack on a temple in Pittsburgh earlier that day.

Saturday night, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro suggested to Eric Trump (the son that ripped off children’s charities, though that never comes up on Fox) that Daddy Donald Trump’s campaign rally on the evening of the massacre at the Tree of Life congregation in Pittsburgh was not the blatantly selfish, self-serving act any thinking person would recognize.

PIRRO: Your dad indicated that he thought about actually canceling the rally. But he said something interesting. He said we don't want to let those crazies control what we do. And it kind of reminds me, Eric. I mean, you were in New York - New York City in 2001, 9/11 … We all said we won't let these crazy people stop us from conducting our normal everyday affairs. Do you think your dad should have gone through with that rally?

Not surprisingly, Eric Trump took the bait. Then he took the BS one step further.

TRUMP: I do. And I thought he said it beautifully. He said you can't let evil change your life and I think that’s 100% right. I mean if every single time evil lashed out, it changed everybody’s pattern it changed our lives, it changed society, society stopped, you’d live in a much different world than – you now, it's always instances like this, whether it be the 9/11s or tragic shootings like the one we had today that actually brings America together. Clearly the person is trying to tear our country apart, our communities apart. They’re trying to do massive evil. And it’s amazing how the world works that sometimes it actually does the exact opposite. Once you get past the horrible act, it actually brings society together. You have an entire country that’s mourning for a small town in Pennsylvania and for a specific synagogue and for a group of people again whose lives were upended. This does bring America together in a time when you can say America can also be fractured because of so many different variables.

Eric Trump may be a children’s charity cheater but he’s probably not so stupid as not to notice how his father works to rip this country further apart and then inflame the divisions. Ditto for Pirro, even though she claimed she cluelessly co-signed her jailbird then-husband’s fraudulent tax returns.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
We watch Fox so you don't have to!

Ed. Note: Fox News actively promotes division and hatred. Tell them it's time to stop.

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