Women have traveled to Washington, D.C. this week to seek out Senators and implore them to reconsider their support for Brett Kavanaugh's appoinment to the Supreme Court. After last week's testimony, they are determined to ask Senators to respect Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony and their own experiences.
Here's a video, as posted to Twitter, of Senator David Perdue not just rejecting one of these brave women's outstretched hand, but also ordering her not to touch him.
If only men had the same regard for women telling them the same thing, right?
Overall, Senators have treated these brave women with disdain. Watch this video, where Mitch McConnell shakes hands with a man while his body man uses a backpack to shove women out of the way.
Undeterred, they keep trying, but it all falls on deaf ears. McConnell just went to the Senate floor and declared there would be a vote on Kavanaugh this week. Period.