September 11, 2018

MSNBC host Chris Jansing on Tuesday concluded that “real people” in the “heartland” are not interested in Russia’s attacks on the U.S. election system.

During her Tuesday MSNBC program, Jansing aired a segment where reporter Jacob Soboroff spoke to lobster trappers in Maine. The lobstermen told Soboroff that they had no knowledge of special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation. And they also had never heard of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was recently found guilty on multiple counts of fraud.

“There are so many great things in that piece,” Jansing said after the segment aired. “I just came back from driving 12-13 hundred miles around Montana. Here’s what I hear over and over and over again, ‘You don’t understand what’s important to us.'”

“They don’t want to hear about Russia,” the MSNBC host continued. “They don’t know who Paul Manafort is. It’s really very simple when you go into the heartland and talk to real people who are trying to support themselves and their children.”

Soboroff noted that the voters who he talked to were not benefiting from the economy even though President Donald Trump often praises his stewardship of it.

“To hear the president think talking about how strong the economy is is going to help him win these midterm districts is foolish,” Soboroff explained.

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