Well, it seems Immigration Barbie has some 'splainin to do 'bout that policy of ripping babies and children from their parents seeking refuge and safety in the United States.
Back in June, when outrage built as the world learned of the unspeakably inhumane practice going on at our border with Mexico, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen denied our government had a policy of separating families. She refuted the accusation unequivocally.
Guess what? Now, I hope you're sitting down, because this will really shock you, but... a member of the Tangerine Tyrant's administration...WAIT FOR IT...lied.
From Open The Government's memo:
The memo states that DHS could “permissibly direct the separation of parents or legal guardians and minors held in immigration detention so that the parent or legal guardian can be prosecuted.” It outlines three options for implementing “zero tolerance,” the policy of increased prosecution of immigration violations. Of these, it recommends “Option 3,” referring for prosecution all adults crossing the border without authorization, “including those presenting with a family unit,” as the “most effective.”
Isn't that sweet? Let's keep brown people out, and let's do it by stealing their kids and putting them in cages, and not touching them, and not letting their siblings touch them when they cry. It's "most effective" as a deterrent.
Also from the OTG memo:
The memo does not discuss any plan for reuniting separated families, or the harmful effects of separation on children, nor does it reflect any input from the government agencies who would be responsible for caring for the separated children.
The records released in response to the FOIA also include internal DHS directives sent in June and July following court orders to stop separating families, and internal emails discussing failed efforts to bring families back together. One troubling email explains that in July, DHS leadership instructed employees to deport families as quickly as possible, as a way of clearing out space for new families. The email raises questions on whether those deportations violated due-process protections.
182. That's the number of children who are still separated from their parents because of this treachery. Let's not forget Mariee Juarez - the toddler who died weeks after being released from these baby jails. Let's not forget the children in these facilities who were sexually abused while wondering where their parents are and when they will see them again.
That's the policy Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen signed her name to and set in motion. And lied about. As I was writing this, Chris Hayes was on TV saying the very same thing. See video above.