Fox News went above and beyond in using online graphics to smear Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti, as he appeared on Tucker Carlson's show Thursday night.
We know how Fox News loathes Avenatti and Stormy for shining a bright light on Trump's infidelities and suspected illegal payoffs to silence her and other women over his sexual proclivities, but what they did to Avenatti was despicable.
Here's how Fox News' graphics department portrayed the upcoming Avenatti interview with Tucker Carlson as his show opened.
"Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Is Here Tonight,' says the graphics. Then about 24 seconds after he began the graphics changed as Carlson discussed Avenatti's possible presidential run.
"Creepy Porn Lawyer Talks About Presidential Run," immediately flashed on the screen.
And then this:
This happened throughout their contentious interview as you can see in the above video.
As Stormy's lawyer told Carlson he didn't want Tucker to interrupt him constantly, Tucker responded, "I have no interest in squabbling with you, I have no interest in name calling—I’ve done a lot of that.”
Even though he did badger him with nonsense, Carlson also left the name calling to the chyron and graphics department -- which was as uncouth and ethically egregious as it looks.
And you can bet at the time, Avenatti had no idea how they were portraying him on air.
But he responded on Twitter afterwards: