The anonymous New York Times opinion article caused the three co-hosts of Fox and Friends to freak out this morning on Fox News.
September 6, 2018

Trump's favorite cable news show almost had a nervous breakdown this morning, calling the person who wrote an anonymous op-ed in The New York Times a "Trump traitor," claiming the deep state are Donald's people and yelling into the camera that the traitor should resign!

Fox News' Steve Doocy opened up their Fox and Friends program by sarcastically saying their viewers know their cameraman"who is pulling cable" is.

"But somebody they don't know is the identity of the Trump traitor," he snarled.

For the next six minutes the three co-hosts spewed venom from their mouths to attack those with insufficient loyalty to Trump.

Doocy marveled: "A breathtaking event in presidential history -- 'Hey America, don't worry I got this. The presidents crazy but we're going to keep things on the straight and narrow.'"

Ainsley Earhardt then read portions of the NY Times piece out loud while Brian Kilmeade bemoaned the fact that The New York Times editors considered this person credible enough to publish the op-ed.

Doocy worried that the anonymous nature stokes the fears of the deep state and after telling his viewers Trump wants The New York Times to turn the person over to the government at once, he wondered, "What government, this government or the permanent government the deep state?"

They played a video clip of Mark Thiessen saying the deep state just confessed. "It is not the permanent bureaucracy, it's not Obama holdovers, it's apparently people who Donald Trump appointed senior positions inside the government."

Ainsley whined, "I thought this person is such a coward this person is dishonest, this person is disloyal....why don't they get a job somewhere else, it's not fair this person needs to leave the White House."

Steve assured them that the identity of this person will be figured out by forensic linguistics.

Doocy proclaimed again, "The Trump traitor."

Kilmeade complained that Mitch McConnell didn't defend Trump on Fox News and gave Trump some advice.

“If I were the president, this is what I would do.”I would get the people that I can trust which is family who have been very effective."

Javanka, he means, as if they weren't in it for the money too.

"If you want to bring Eric in and I would put them in on almost all key meetings. Have your foreign policy experts, domestics experts, your economy experts, the secretaries of the treasury, but “have your kids there who know you and understand there is a reason why he became a multi-millionaire billionaire.There is a reason why he ran for one office and won it."

Kilmeade is calling for the unbridled surveillance of Trump's cabinet, not to mention tinpot dictator politics.

Doocy replied, "Brian there is an easier way to do that and that is: Whoever this person is, quit. You don't like him, quit. nobody elected this person..."

Kilmeade said he wasn't the only one.

"We've been hearing about that (the permanent government) and about the deep state and this guy just confessed.

He yelled, "Quit, just quit!"

The deep state is Trump's people. Who knew?

Watch above, via Fox News.

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