September 4, 2018

So what would you do if you never saw anybody else that looked like you on the walls of your favorite McDonald's? Well, if you're like these two young Asian guys you design your own poster with yourself and your buddy, and you put it up on the wall, that's what you do.

How cool is that?

Source: KHOU Houston

HOUSTON - Two friends created a poster and hung it at their favorite McDonald's to have people who look like them on the wall.

“We looked around and we saw there were no Asians in the posters around McDonald's, so we decided to do it ourselves, and I guess the rest is history,” said Jehv Maravilla, a 21-year-old University of Houston student.

Maravilla and his friend Christian Toledo, 25, are both Filipino-Americans.

The two said they eat at the McDonald's at 2803 Business Center Drive often. They saw a blank wall in June and decided it was the perfect place to put a picture of themselves.

“Asian representation in media is not as prevalent as it should be,” Maravilla said. “What motivated me was ‘Crazy Rich Asians,’ the movie that came out, that boosted my confidence into thinking maybe one day I could be just like that, and if I take a step and do something small like this, it could make a difference.”

After he and Toledo came up with the idea in June, they went to work. They held a photo shoot using a timer to take a picture of the two of them eating McDonald's.

They documented the entire process on YouTube. The video even showed how they edited the picture to look like the others in the store.

Here's how they did it.

Their stunt has since gone viral after a tweet a couple of days ago detailing the lengths they went through to achieve what they did. Their poster had been up 52 days already with no one noticing it wasn't officially McDonald's advertising adorning their walls.

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