'Sweep Your Own House First': Twitter Notes Trump's Tweets As Melania Preaches Against Cyberbullying
August 20, 2018

So today Melania Trump spoke at an anti-cyberbullying event, accompanied by a panel of blond white women straight out of Fox News central casting?

Twitter noticed the contrast between FLOTUS's "activism" and her husband's "activity." From today alone, it's bad.

The most generous take would be to say that Melania is genuinely trying to right the wrong her husband does every day and is unable to do so directly. Many of us who survived mentally abusive marriages feel our senses tingling when observing (granted from a distance) the Trump marriage.

But Charles Blow says it's a good cop/bad cop act:

No matter the take, the enabling by the Trump White House for whatever this is needs to stop, one way or another. Get Melania off the stage with this shallow nonsense, or get her husband off Twitter.

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