August 16, 2018

Yesterday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders took to the Press Secretary's podium and lied like a lying liar like she always does. This time it was about the Orange Menace's job creation numbers for African-Americans and, of course, how much better they were than an actual president's: President Obama's.

This president since he took office, in the year-and-a-half since he's been here, created 700,000 new jobs for African-Americans. That's 700,000 African-Americans working now that weren't working when the president took place. When President Obama left, after eight years of President Obama in office, he only created 195,000 jobs for African-Americans. President trump in his first year-and-a-half has already tripled what President Obama did in eight years.

Well, we knew it wasn't true when she said it, and respectable news outlets (like CNN) called her out ASAP, saying "Not even CLOSE to true. According to Labor Department, the U.S. has created 700,000 jobs for African-American workers during the trump administration. It added nearly 3 million jobs during Obama's eight years. Sanders later corrected herself via Twitter. Of course, via Twitter.

Of course, that does not count as a real apology, since it is accompanied by a modifying statement beginning with "but."

The "apology," such as it was, did not stop Fox "News" (otherwise known as "State TV") from repeating the lie hours later. Jesse Waters read it out word for word on "The Five" as evidence to support the delusion he was pushing that Herr Trumpinger is not racist. Just look at all he's done for "the blacks!"

Magic 8 Ball says, "Not likely."

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