August 20, 2018

Rudy Giuliani just can't help himself. Yesterday he was caught in another lie to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press over the Trump Tower meeting with Russians and what Don Junior knew about the people involved in it..

While discussing the meeting in Trump Tower, Giuliani first admitted that Junior went to the Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, something the Trump administration denied vehemently before the truth was exposed.

After trying to spin the real intent of the meeting, Rudy embarrassingly said that the "truth isn't the truth" and then lied about what the Bob Goldstone email to set up the Tower meeting actually told Junior.

Here's what he told the Meet The Press host on Sunday.

RUDY GIULIANI: That was the original intention of the meeting. It turned out to be a meeting about another subject and it was not pursued at all. And, of course, any meeting with regard to getting information on your opponent is something any candidate’s staff would take. If someone said, I have information about your opponent, you would take that meeting. If it happens to be a person with a Russian --

CHUCK TODD: From the Russian government?

RUDY GIULIANI: She didn’t represent the Russian government, she’s a private citizen. I don’t even know if they knew she was Russian at the time. All they had was her name.

CHUCK TODD: They didn’t know she was Russian, I think they knew she was Russian, but ok.

RUDY GIULIANI: Well, they knew it when they met with her, not when they set up the meeting. You, you told me, you, you asked me, you know, did they show an intention to do anything with Russians? Well, all they knew is that a woman with a Russian name wanted to meet with them. They didn’t know she was a representative of the Russian government and indeed, she’s not a representative of the Russian government. So, this is much ado about nothing. Plus, the President of the United States wasn’t at that meeting. He didn’t know about that meeting. He found out about it after and by the time he found out about it, it was nothing. So, I mean --

Now here's the original email to Don Junior that initiated the meeting in the first place.

Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.

Rob Goldstone

This email expressly tells Don Trump Jr., the information he will receive is coming directly from the Russian goverment.

And Junior replied, " I Love it!"

Goldstone, who was present at the meeting explicitly told Junior they had "very high level and sensitive information" from Russia which showed "its government's support for Mr. Trump."

Who did Rudy think was going to be at the meeting? Judge Pirro and Jesse Watters?

Bob Goldstone, Veselnitskaya, Russian-American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, Agalarov business associate Kaveladze and translator Anatoli Samochornov were there.

Goldstone then explains that a Russian lawyer is coming too.

Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.

I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?

I assume it would be at your office.

Rob Goldstone

Natalia Veselnitskaya, is the Russian lawyer.

A week after the meeting Aras Agalarov sends Trump an expensive painting for his birthday, according to the House Intelligence Democratic report.

Giuliani's spin of the meeting is nonsensical because it is so easily exposed.

The more he goes on television, the more lies Trump and his acolytes are telling the American people.

You have to call this a lie. How else can it be described?

As Sen. Whitehouse tweets:

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