Here's a much-needed reminder that not everyone who runs for public office is doing it to cover the cost of their golf shorts. Watch Beto as he responds to a voter who is very concerned about about NFL players being disrespectful -- while treating the questioner with dignity.
I think Ted Cruz is in real trouble. Via The El Paso Times:
The Democrat provided the opening at a town hall meeting in Houston last week when he was asked if the players who decline to stand for the anthem are disrespectful.
O'Rourke said it wasn't and offered several examples of how gestures of protest brought about social change.
"And so non-violently, peacefully, while the eyes of this country are watching these games, they take a knee to bring our attention and our focus to this problem to ensure that we fix it," he said at the Houston event.
"That is why they are doing it. And I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully, standing up, or taking a knee, for your rights, anytime, anywhere, in any place."