August 24, 2018

This is what's wrong with CNN. And finally one of their own points it out.

Driftglass has frequently pointed out that CNN's "news" model is to put red ants and black ants in a jar and film the fight. It's never a teachable moment.

But it's utterly dishonest to hire conservatives who have a contractual agreement with Donald Trump to NOT say anything disparaging about him, his businesses, or the campaign. And not noticing that Trump is "enforcing" likely illegal NDA's with White House staffers, then having those staffers on, is NOT journalism.

Good on Poppy Harlow for the disclosure of the non-disclosure, non-disparaging contract Rob Astorino is on. Now it's time for the suits upstairs at CNN to get a grip and find some commentators who can tell the truth without fear of a lawsuit from Trump.


POPPY HARLOW: Paul Manafort was convicted by a jury of his peers of some pretty horrible things, right? Of defrauding American taxpayers. And the president still called him a good guy who he feels bad for. Isn't that bringing the swamp right along with you?

ROB ASTORINO: Well, I think what he meant there, and maybe i'll do a Trump translation, he worked with him, he helped him, and so he thinks he's a good guy. He should have said, comma, who did a bad thing.

HARLOW: Okay, I just need to know that you work on the Trump 2020 advisory committee, and therefore you have signed an NDA that includes a non-disclosure, non-disparagement clause. So you can't really tell me, then -- you really don't believe the president's own words, "he's a good guy"? About Paul Manafort.

ASTORINO: Are you talking about Paul Manafort?


ASTORINO: No, look, I've known people, have you ever met somebody that you knew well or knew or worked with --

HARLOW: That became a convicted felon? No.

ASTORINO: Who did something wrong.

HARLOW: Who became a convicted felon? No. Nor would I say after the fact that they defrauded the American people, "they're a good person."

ASTORINO: They can be a good person who did a bad thing. We can make that distinction.

HARLOW: Eight counts.

ASTORINO: Yeah. You know how many people commit fraud who evade taxes? I'm not saying it's the right thing. Poppy, let me get this straight. It is not a good thing and he should go to jail for what he did.

HARLOW: Okay, Jen Psaki, your take?

JEN PSAKI (Former Obama Official) I think there's a really dangerous lowering of the bar here of what's acceptable.

End Transcript

You got that right, Jen!

Can you help us out?

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