The media is really going to miss John McCain because he was always available to be on TV or to give a quote. Does that mean the media gave him a constant pass?
August 28, 2018

[above: Chuck Todd in March of 2008 just flat out admits the media double standard in favor of John McCain.]

Also published as "America’s Green Rooms Go To Half-Staff"

I’m sorry.

We return to Grandpa Walnuts, once again. The media just won’t let the man remain dead, they expect him to roll the rock past the cave opening and return to giving sound bites.

Here’s the thing: Sen. John McCain might not have invented access journalism, but even in death, he is exhibit A for why access journalism is so pernicious to journalism.

In roughly alphabetical order here are some of the maudlin takes that our allegedly unbiased media are bleating and mewling:

Well, we would expect Fox News to lead the list, now, wouldn’t we? We move on to CNN

As always with CNN, it is hard to discern if the story is about McCain or the reporter. You read it and decide.

Amusingly, David Drucker gets right to the heart of access journalism:

MSNBC’s Kassie Hunt embarrasses herself and journalism.

“Sen. McCain, after a decade of trying to keep up with you in those marble hallways, I know the place that you so loved is going to be a lesser place without you. My hope for this Congress and this country is that remembering and honoring your life and legacy, sir, will inspire the best among us to serve as you did. Godspeed.”

And if that were not enough, Hunt later tweeted:

One wonders if Hunt will push Cindy McCain out of the way and fling herself on the casket as McCain is lowered into the Eternal Green Room. We move on.

WaPo’s Josh Rogan also embarrasses himself and journalism and Dana Milbank does it, too/also.

Not to be outdone by the WaPo, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni embarrasses himself, and so too, do Bret Stephens and Gail Collins.

Seung Min Kim reminds us that he was a crank. A crank who always took their questions.

NPR’s Tim Mak reminds us that Grandpa Walnuts was an asshole.

Such fond memories, Mak?! Bet you told that one a lot. Maybe he was competing with NYTimes’ Glenn Thrush for the kindest of assholes beat:

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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