'It's Hot. It Doesn't Matter. What's The Point?' Why You Need To Call Your Senators TODAY
August 21, 2018

Do you hear that?

That's the sound of silence. The sound of your senators' phones NOT ringing off the hook. That's why people like Susan Collins and Joe Manchin feel perfectly safe in planning to vote for putting Federalist Society robot Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

I've heard it again and again. "Nobody's calling."

You know how we stopped their Obamacare repeal? They got so many phone calls, the staffers were nervous wrecks. All those people, demanding that their bosses back off.

It's your duty to call. If you believe in progressive policy, if you believe that Republicans should keep their noses out of your underwear or that of your children, you need to contact your senators.

"My senator's a right winger and he'll never budge."

No doubt. But I guarantee you that the staffers are counting calls and letters, and they're reporting back to Mitch McConnell. Those silent phones are the go-ahead signal to put this hack on SCOTUS. Your learned helplessness costs us all.

We can't sit around waiting for indictments. The other side is already pushing hard, airing TV ads and going door to door.


You can:


  • Fill out a form, and someone else will deliver your letter to both senators and your local congressperson.

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