Hannity Is Literally Giving His Radio Show To Trump's Lawyers Today
Credit: via Media Matters
August 10, 2018

On a Summer Friday, Sean Hannity can't be bothered to give a softball interview to Donald Trump's lawyers, Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow (who is also Hannity's attorney).

So he's just going to have them GUEST HOST his program.

Media Matters:

Hannity’s pro-Trump propaganda has made both his shows indistinguishable from the narrative spun by the Trump administration. His shows are widely regarded as state media for the Trump administration. White House staffers even reportedly call Hannity Trump’s “shadow” chief of staff.

Hannity’s singular goal for months has been to protect Trump from the Russia probe led by special counsel Robert Mueller. Now he’s giving his show to Trump’s lawyers to do exactly that.

There is zero daylight between Hannity and Trump. What comes out about Trump in the next year will be 100% Hannity enabled. Remember.

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