After making no sense while claiming to have struck a trade deal, Trump is a complete coward and refuses to respond to questions about John McCain's death.
August 27, 2018

After a televised conference call with Mexico signaling a proposed trade deal without Canada or Congressional approval, when reporters asked Trump to comment on McCain's passing, Donald sat with his arms folded and cut them off: "Thank you."

The reporters were then ushered out of the room.

Over on Fox News, they cut away from Trump as soon as he folded his arms and said "thank you," knowing that the press would ask Trump to dignify his craven response and tweet about McCain's death.

This publicity stunt seemed to be a way for the White House to try and shift the narrative from the White House's horrible response to McCain's passing and immunity deals going to his closest advisors and friends onto trade, a preferred topic of his and his supporters.

Trump said, "We'll see you at the signing, and we'll see you many times before, I'm sure. So, congratulations to the people of Mexico.Great job. Thank you, everybody."

Q, "Mr. President, any thoughts on John McCain? Mr. President, any thoughts on John McCain, sir?

A staffer, "Thank you, right this way."

Trump usually takes questions when he holds a PR move in front of the press but not today.

His callous actions speak for themselves.

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