Trump finally commented on his former protege after she released audio that was recorded while working in the White House.
'Wacky' 'Low Life' Omarosa Is Entirely Trump's Fault
August 13, 2018

Donald Trump finally weighed in via Twitter on his favorite Apprentice contestant and former White House staffer, Omarosa, after she released excerpts in a new book and revealed tape recordings she took in the White House.

It was Donald Trump who brought her on board his presidential campaign, used her as a TV surrogate and then hired her to work in the White House.

Along with the media, he elevated her stature as a political pundit and now has to live with the fallout of that decision.

As usual, he describes a person of African-American descent as being stupid.

Over and over again we heard Donald Trump, and the Kellyanne Conway's say he only hires the best people. As the Manafort trial goes on this has become a national joke.

And Trump just admitted he only hired Omarosa because she glorified him with GREAT words.

I doubt this will mean anything as long as she doesn't reveal classified intelligence.

Remember, it was Trump who did this:

On 7/26/16, I wrote, "Donald Trump recently promoted the "Apprentice" contestant to be his Director of African-American Outreach for his presidential campaign, and now she's on par with all the great foreign policy minds of the GOP."

As many journalists and people mentioned in her book expressed their outrage over what she's written and recorded, they do not get to dismiss the months and months of her existence on the campaign trail and in the White House that they helped perpetuate.

The Pottery Barn rules.

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