August 8, 2018

This morning, fireworks erupted on Part 2 of CNN's "Pulse of the People" after one member admitted he resigned as a Republican county chairman from Ohio over Trump's horrible Helsinki Summit and another said North Korea had already denuclearized.

Host Alisyn Camerota played the second half of her interview with Trump voters, some of whom had turned into disillusioned Trump voters.

Today's panel focused on Trump's performance in front of Putin in Helsinki and as the panel members started arguing over the Russian investigations by Robert Mueller, panel member Christopher J. Gagin admitted that he had been a Republican county chairman in Ohio who resigned his post.

Gagin said, "So I'm that Republican county chairman from Ohio that resigned after the Helsinki summit. so when the President in Helsinki said Putin denied it strongly and forcefully and he was in effect defending Putin's denial, do you accept that at face value?"

Arthur Schaper refused to admit the truth. "I don't accept how you're characterizing it," he said. "What I see is a president who wants to establish strong relations with every country as possible -- "

After playing video of Trump's words during the Helsinki press conference, one pro-Trumper Damani said that at first he was shocked but then believed Trump's "would/wouldn't" correction that came days later as the controversy grew.

Disgusted Trump voter Jeremy Montanez observed, "To me it's saying I'm going to believe whatever Putin said instead of our own intelligence. I think he threw America under the bus."

As the panel members began arguing, Bianca Gracia, a Christian Trump supporter made it crazier by saying Trump already denuclearized North Korea.

Watch it...

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