July 12, 2018

During yesterday's ridiculous clown show called the Peter Strzok hearing, some Democrats took the opportunity to use their time to highlight Republicans ridiculous hypocrisy with respect to their feigned outrage over Strzok's texts with Lisa Page.

After reminding Strzok that he was under oath and asking for yes or no answers, Connolly started to read.

“The following email: ’Character matters, @RealDonaldTrump is obviously not going to win but he can still make an honorable move, step aside and let someone else try.′ Did you write that email?" asked Connolly.

“I don’t believe I did,” Strzok answered.

“No, you didn’t,” Connolly affirmed. “Republican senator Ben Sasse wrote that email. Another unforgivable sin, he should be here as well apparently.”

Oh, the sarcasm. Connolly was just getting started.

Door Number Two: "‘My wife Julia and I, we have a 15-year-old daughter. Do you think I can look her in the eye and tell her that I endorse Donald Trump when he acts like this and his apology ― that was no apology, that was an apology for getting caught. I can’t tell the good people of my state that I endorse a person who acts like that.’ Was that you, Mr. Strzok?”

“No sir,” Strzok replied.

“No it wasn’t,” Connolly said. “It was Republican Jason Chaffetz, former chairman of my committee.”

On and on it went. Texts, tweets, statements and emails from Rep. Mike Coffman, Rep. Bradley Byrne, Rep. Martha Roby, Senator Mike Lee, and Rep. Barbara Comstock. For the better part of five minutes, Rep. Connolly brought the receipts.

“So it sounds like when you were writing these emails in the heat of the campaign, you had a lot of company on the Republican side of the aisle,” Connolly observed to Strzok. “And now you’re an orphan. I wonder what happened?”

Indeed, as do we all. Actually, no, we don't. We know what happened. Trump was elected, and every Republican in Congress fell in line as they are wont to do.

Every one of those Republicans needs to go down in flames in November. Every one.

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