This was a shocking revelation by Russian State media:
Stephanie Ruhle pointed out this morning that the Kremlin translation of Putin called Fox News "the network run by the president."
This in addition to former Fox exec Bill Shine working for the White House and current Fox host Sean Hannity working for Trump.
It's an utterly incestuous relationship.
Steve Schmidt agreed: "Fox News has functioned as Trump's state media going on for a year and a half. On an hourly basis, Fox News spews forth complete and total nonsense. The equivalent of state media propaganda to unwitting, unsuspecting, some of them decent people out there who are constantly lied to, constantly gaslighted by this president. What we saw at this news conference yesterday was the President of the United States gaslighting the American people about Vladimir Putin and his intentions towards the country."
I understand Steve Schmidt is under a "never blame the viewers" guideline on cable news, but we all know Fox News viewers are NOT "unwitting, unsuspecting, some of them decent people." They could have left the network when Bush lied us into war, they could have left when his administration tortured people. Hell, they could have left when Fox lied to them personally about "Mitt Romney winning in a landslide." They now make excuses for "grab 'em by the pu**y", "sh*thole countries," and "Both Nazis and not-Nazis are very good people." They make excuses for taking away health insurance for 20 million people and putting babies in cages.
They are still watching Fox because they like it.