Steve Schmidt rants are now a regular feature on MSNBC.
I'm of the mind that you never turn your back on a Never Trumper (they WILL come after your Medicare eventually no matter how much they hate Trump) but Schmidt stepped out of the box today and to his credit also went after Mitch McConnell, who is "up to his eyeballs in this" Russia election interference.
STEVE SCHMIDT: Jeff Flake and Snowe and Sasse and all the rest of them can say "disgraceful, bad, terrible", but they actually have power to do something about it. This is an extraordinary moment, and the Congress is absolutely unwilling to exert oversight over this president. So Sass and Snowe and Flake have it in their power to cut a deal with the Democrats to put subpoena power into the hands of responsible senators, many of whom may be members of the Democratic Party, but to remove Mitch McConnell from power, who's in this up to his eyeballs as well. As he was informed before the election that the Russians were meddling by President Obama, and refused to take any action on it as well. But we will never, and I mean never again, see an American president perform so weakly, so incompetently on the world stage next to an adversary. Just an extraordinary debasement of the office. A personal disgrace for Trump. And a national humiliation for the United States.
Schmidt also called for Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence, to resign:
SCHMIDT: If Dan Coats has a shred of personal dignity, he will resign, and he will resign in a loud way, and communicate to the American people the danger of what we saw yesterday.