July 2, 2018

As the United States prepares once again to go rogue and abandon agreed-upon international norms of the World Trade Organization (WTO), someone forgot to check the acronym for their willful stupidity. Or maybe it was intentional.

Source: The Guardian

A report that Donald Trump is looking to walk away from the World Trade Organisation and instead adopt a United States Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act, or FART Act, has been greeted with loud amusement on Twitter.

Axios reported that it had received a leaked early draft of a bill ordered by the president, that would see America take the unlikely step of abandoning WTO rules, allowing Trump to raise tariffs without the consent of Congress.

The bill – the existence of which has not been independently confirmed – would be a dramatic shift in trade policy with wide-reaching impacts, but it was the name of the proposed bill that caught people’s attention.

Twitter, of course, had a field day.

Even the former 11-day director of White House communications got in on the act.

By this time, I would think most of us have come to understand we're being punk'd by this sham of an administration.

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