Look who Fox News decided should be the Miss Manners of the right-wing internet.
Greg Gutfeld is not wrong in his Fox News.com piece:
A few weeks ago on the Five, I said that who you are on social media is a far lesser version of who you are in real life. The only problem: you can’t see that in yourself – but you can see it in others.
I came to this realization when I noticed how annoying tweets by people I liked made me like those people less. And people I don’t know very well at all, I could hate instantly, if one of their tweets reeked of attention-seeking. I sometimes wonder, if there were a button that accompanied a tweet that I could press to inflict painful shocks on the sender of that Tweet – would I use it? I will not answer that question.
But I realize that if Bob and Jane on social media are worse than Bob and Jane at the grocery store, then it also had to be true of Greg. This Greg being me. I am only half the man I am, on Twitter (save your jokes). It seems that whatever I put forth into that universe is not good for you, or me.
I will answer that question, Greg. That's sick. Fantasizing about inflicting physical pain on another from a remote location? No.
I have said on Twitter that yes, I do want American Nazis to have affordable healthcare coverage and good schools, if only for the selfish reason than then my kids will have the same. And who knows? What if a Nazi coughed in the grocery store while I'm also shopping? I'd want him or her to have had all their immunizations so at the very least I would have a chance at staying healthy.
We're all in this together, Greg. Or, you can close your eyes and wonder what it would be like to send a painful shock to me with a keyboard click.
And before I go any further let me say, there's also a direct accusation in this video that we "on the left" won't reciprocate nice behavior.
It's not uncivil to play back video of what is said on Fox News. That is all.