Donald Trump was in a foul mood on Thursday when he traveled to Montana. He had accepted the resignation of his EPA administrator against his better judgment, he's still under investigation by Robert Mueller, and he had an act to put on for the cult members gathered to watch him spew hate at a so-called "rally."
In the process, he spent some time mocking Senator Elizabeth Warren and the #MeToo movement of women who are finally stepping out and speaking up about abuse at the hands of men.
Former Cruz consultant Alice Stewart was unimpressed.
After expressing her hope that his remarks weren't part of his scripted speech prepared for delivery, she spent a few moments expressing her annoyance and aggravation.
“He becomes out of touch with the seriousness, as you said, of the me too movement, which is critical for so many reasons in empowering victims of many different types of abuse,” she told the CNN panel. “But if he doesn’t share the momentum and the feeling and the message behind that, then he should just keep his mouth shut, and the last thing he should be doing is mocking it and making jokes about it.”
Yes, yes, she's right. But this is Donald Trump, the man who won a national election after bragging about grabbing women by the p*ssy. It is part and parcel of who the man is, yesterday, today and tomorrow. His cult thrives on this: hate is their fuel and women are tasty.
After complaining that it tears at the civility none of us are enjoying at the moment, she restated her support for the women coming forward.
“Look, I campaigned hard against Donald Trump in the primary, and I campaigned for people that were men of civility and honor and dignity," she said. I ultimately voted for him for his policies but at the end of the day it’s a really important thing for us to stick to morals and principles and standing up for issues that are so important to this country and me too is one of those issues.”
Aw. If you voted for Donald "grab 'em by the pussy' Trump because of his "policies," you're no better than he is. Don't come crying to me now about civility and boo-hoo the lack of it when you enabled it. Just don't.
[h/t Raw Story]