July 2, 2018

On Fox News Outnumbered, the four co-hosts ganged up on Juan Williams and the Democrats for objecting to an upcoming Trump Supreme Court pick that would upend Roe v Wade claiming maybe the selection would be like Anthony Kennedy.

Williams pointed out that the nominees have been hand selected by the Federalist Society which only approved judges who are strongly anti-abortion and anti-ACA. Williams also reminded them that Democrats are still furious over what Republicans under Mitch McConnell did to President Obama's pick, Merrrick Garland.

Harris Faulkner seemed to be trolling Democrats by saying that they shouldn't be harping on one particular issue -- abortion rights -- and should be constructive to the process.

Then Lisa Boothe made an unserious argument about the Democrats obstructing Trump, omitting the fact that for Pres. Obama's entire eight-year administration Republicans blocked every nominee and every piece of legislation they could.

Boothe said, "Does that resentment over Merrick Garland applied to literally everything because the Democrats have tried to obstruct Trump on every aspect, whether it's tax reform or now with the Supreme Court nominee, so that doesn't fly."

Republicans stole the Neal Gorsuch seat, period. If there was 60 days left in a presidency then a political party could have a claim to make to postpone a Supreme Court nomination but there was no excuse to not hold hearings and have a vote on Merrick Garland. Mitch McConnell knew what he was doing and didn't care. He opened the door, walked in, and stole that seat in front of everyone.

I love when conservatives on Fox called Democrats obstructionist, but when Republicans refuse to negotiate they are suddenly standing on their beliefs.

Every one of them are power-hungry thieves. Every one.

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